How digital health tools fast forward immune mediated inflammatory disease management to 2030

While digital health investment rockets on in areas such as telehealth, online pharmacies, weight loss and diabetes, one broadly defined therapeutic area has thus far been remarkably underserved by the digital revolution: immune mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs). At Healthskouts we think this is a tremendous opportunity. We are convinced that digital health solutions can and […]
A new breed of hospital – pharma collaborations, now and into the future

Hospitals and pharma companies have traditionally looked at themselves as transactional partners, but that relationship is changing dramatically. Hospitals have improved their leverage as partners, realizing the value locked within patient data. However, during the Corona pandemic they experienced that when patients no longer can ‘reach’ the hospital – that value needs to be captured […]
What can AI do for your Hospital?

What can AI do for your hospital? A lot, that’s the answer in brief.
Delighting Patients in Day Surgery

Day Surgery is rapidly becoming the default pathway for elective surgery, but in the pursuit of hyper efficiency it is crucial that hospitals keep the patient journey central to the structuring of their operations.
5 novel white glove (butler) services making chemotherapy easier to bear

I do believe your drug treats my disease. But I need more. Correction, I would be delighted to receive more from you. Without me having to ask. Things you know I need, because patients are really top of mind. Hence you can anticipate their needs. To delight. To enchant. Therefore, we will introduce new ways […]
4 delightful ways early oncology screening can be organised in a frictionless way

There is no business model for prevention. Or is there? If we turn prevention into an aspirational long term goal, why should you bother today? Today, you make money from treating sick patients. Well, imagine you could generate a vaccine for every chronic disease. Not Corona or Dengue. Cancer. Diabetes. Heart Failure. Stroke. Would you […]
A new type of reward, boosting my immune system

What if my digital step counter would link to an automatic immune cell counter?
On the future of cancer care, from drug discovery to prevention, and how to make it delightful

Healthskouts’ dream is to create a world where people get sick no more. The biggest friction in healthcare, getting sick, resolved. On our way we’ll first improve the cancer drug discovery and clinical trial process. Unique personalised drugs for any individual. Why not? We bring the patient from the hospital to the home. Diagnose much […]
Your Guide to Delight

Please never write a vacancy for Chief Digital Officer. Or for VP or disruption. One function you need however. Distributed throughout your team. A Chief Delight officer. Incorporated into the DNA of each employee. Delight is the experience that comes closest to magic, something for which you can’t prepare. Delight Thinking is the ability to […]