It’s time to level up digital health apps
In my work I often try out health apps that are designed to ‘engage’, support or even treat patients in specific therapeutic domains. Now while I’m totally committed to the digital transformation of healthcare and believe it does and will benefit patients, I have to be honest that most apps I try out just don’t […]
Accelerating diagnosis through extreme patient delight
We’re often asked by pharma customers to explore how we could accelerate diagnosis and guide patients to the right treatment faster, especially in therapeutic domains where diagnosis is frequently delayed with associated patient burden. It also makes a lot of sense in domains where early diagnosis can lead to better outcomes (think oncology, but also […]
Innovations in Prostate Cancer
By reviewing recent innovations in prostate cancer I hope to throw some light on what optimal prostate cancer care could and should like. Relevant for professionals, but also patients and their loved ones, so that you can raise your expectations and hopefully play your part in accelerating progress in the field.
How digital health tools fast forward immune mediated inflammatory disease management to 2030
While digital health investment rockets on in areas such as telehealth, online pharmacies, weight loss and diabetes, one broadly defined therapeutic area has thus far been remarkably underserved by the digital revolution: immune mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs). At Healthskouts we think this is a tremendous opportunity. We are convinced that digital health solutions can and […]
Delighting Patients in Day Surgery
Day Surgery is rapidly becoming the default pathway for elective surgery, but in the pursuit of hyper efficiency it is crucial that hospitals keep the patient journey central to the structuring of their operations.