Education & Communication in the Metaverse
Launch of the Healthskouts Educational Center in the Metaverse
A fad or not a fad?
You might have read about the European Union investing $400k into a 24-hour metaverse “beach party” full of “music and fun,” only to attract less than ten guests who all peaced out in less than an hour.
And lots of similar stories doubting the metaverse is
– Solving a real problem or problems
– Inspiring new thinking
– Enabling new ways of working
And yet, we believe there is an exciting potential to explore the above. Which might prove us wrong, but hey, learning it will serve.
It’s with some pride that we like to announce we have built the first version of a Healthskouts educational center in the metaverse.
Here for instance – the master creator of our experience zone Mieke Donders invites my friend and colleague Javier Mendoza MD. PhD – the first clinician in the metaverse – to explore the spaces we will use to walk by the latest science papers, technology developments, challenges experienced.
Where vendors can showcase emerging digital health solutions, and we provide them a forum to do so.
Where we can make a meeting truly engaging – something a conventional video conference call cannot do.
Indeed, where you get slightly anxious because next to you the world-expert from Singapore weighs in on a topic, and highfives you – small haptic shock – for your input.
Where we will invite – on a regular basis experts to discuss contemporary healthtech topics. Podcasts in 3 dimensions. How should we call these? Versecasts?
Not around a table with legless people. But walking, exploring, touching, …
Oh and such an event in our metaverse space will take less than an hour.
If interested please reach out below!
Schedule a call with Healthskouts CEO Prof Dr Koen Kas, to explore how we can help