How hospitals can prepare for tomorrow, today

Many hospitals today are building new sites or making substantial renovations. What strikes us is how their designs are often based almost entirely on a thorough analysis of their current medical services and workflows. But if a hospital building easily stands for 50+ years we clearly should also be looking ahead at how healthcare and […]
A new breed of hospital – pharma collaborations, now and into the future

Hospitals and pharma companies have traditionally looked at themselves as transactional partners, but that relationship is changing dramatically. Hospitals have improved their leverage as partners, realizing the value locked within patient data. However, during the Corona pandemic they experienced that when patients no longer can ‘reach’ the hospital – that value needs to be captured […]
What can AI do for your Hospital?

What can AI do for your hospital? A lot, that’s the answer in brief.
Delighting Patients in Day Surgery

Day Surgery is rapidly becoming the default pathway for elective surgery, but in the pursuit of hyper efficiency it is crucial that hospitals keep the patient journey central to the structuring of their operations.