Opening up the can of foodtechs

+10 food concepts for non-traditional healthcare companies The one sport I’ve practiced most throughout my life is running. And the last couple of years this sport is getting out of hand in a positive way. More training, longer distances and more demanding tracks are on the menu. Apart from my running shoe addiction this intensified […]
6 ways blockchain principles can lead to true precision medicine (Part 2/2)

Blockchain for precision medicine The road towards precision medicine, developing medication as targeted as possible, is an extremely complex and lengthy process. We took a look at how blockchain related technologies could positively impact and help speed up this process. We’ve identified 6 key areas where blockchain could substantially improve it: Build trust Access data […]
6 ways blockchain principles can lead to true precision medicine (Part 1/2)

The road towards precision medicine is an extremely complex and lengthy process. Patients would benefit from the pure personalised character of the drug. Apart from that obvious aspect, drugs could also be brought on the market sooner, and also much cheaper. We took a look at how blockchain related technologies could help speed up this […]
What can AI do for your Hospital?

What can AI do for your hospital? A lot, that’s the answer in brief.