Deep dive research project on radiology AI

For a global biopharma company, Healthskouts conducted a research project on diagnostic radiology, with specific focus on the trial readiness of radiology innovations in the areas of artificial intelligence, portable radiology and teleradiology. Healthskouts provided a comprehensive description and analysis of current innovations & innovators in diagnostic radiology, covering:CTUltrasoundMRI/MRAX-rayPETFluoroscopy with a specific focus on AI […]
Discovering and launching exploratory Metaverse initiatives with a pharma’s Brand & Marketing teams

Our global biopharma client was interested in exploring Metaverse use cases that:● are innovative with unique positioning● have a potentially robust business case or business model● have a feasible and practical path to implementation● are relevant to the company’s therapeutic areas and product pipelines To develop such uses cases we prepared and delivered an Inspiration […]
Develop and evangelise digital health strategy in CAR-T therapy

Rethinking the entire patient journey with digital delight In two projects for a global pharma company, Healthskouts explored opportunities for digital health intervention and bringing delight in CAR-T therapy journeys, both for patients and providers. Applying our research and Delight Thinking methodology to the entire product & patient journey, we showed how we could design […]
Create inspirational content on the future of lung cancer care, to engage internal pharma audiences

For a global biopharmaceutical company Healthskouts explored opportunities for digital health intervention in lung cancer and how our client could create a vastly superior competitive offering through digitally-enabled patient delight. Working closely with the client’s marketing, digital and lung cancer teams we created a super-inspiring TED-style video presentation. The video was presented in a lunch […]
Analysing a nation’s Smart Health Value Chain: Expert report for the Flemish government

The Flemish government asked Healthskouts to prepare an advisory expert report to evaluate opportunities for IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) funding in the ‘Smart Health’ sector in Flanders. The report can be read and downloaded here. We interviewed more than 20 healthcare and healthtech leaders in the country and subsequently wrote chapters on: […]
Optimizing outcomes and patient experiences in an inflammatory disease

In this project for a global pharma company, Healthskouts explored opportunities for optimizing treatment outcomes in patients with a chronic immune mediated inflammatory disease. Many patients with this disease have significant unmet needs because treatment response is variable, they are poorly monitored and followed up, and because they have limited access (or are not referred […]
Solving the diagnostic delay of an immune mediated inflammatory disease (IMID)

For a global pharma company, Healthskouts conducted in-depth research to better understand and find opportunities for solving the diagnostic delay pertaining to an immune mediated inflammatory disease (IMID). A significant proportion of patients with this condition have to wait several years, with dibilitating symptoms, before they are accurately diagnosed and effectively treated. Our client asked […]
Danone exhibit

Danone has entrusted us to turn their scientific microbiome & probiotics research into an exhibit in Paris showing compelling stories using mixed reality technologies (VR, AR, holograms). The resulting brand is called FLUX.

AI-driven pharmacy patient companion App We built a patient engagement companion App to follow-up drug response and experience in the real world / in the patient setting.
A deep dive into technology to help identify … <your task here>

For a top 10 pharma company we have delivered a comprehensive Deep dive into the maturity of digital biomarkers, remote monitoring and smart medication / adherence tools. The company currently investigates how to dynamically deploy this company- and even pharma ecosystem-wide. For another company we did a similar analysis, but focused on very early stage […]
Pharmacy of the future for McKesson

Today, a pharmacist sells already many more products than only medicines, but it’s clear that the role of a pharmacist will evolve further in the future. Selling Apps and learn people how to work with these will become part of their offering. For US-based McKesson, the largest pharma supply chain company, we are helping to […]
Rethinking a preventive health provide

Starting from a white page. For a leading preventive health provider, its customers being big corporates, we have shown how a boring prevention check-up can be turned into an aspirational experience, applying delight thinking via both technology and design ideas
Deep-dive into wearables

For a major pharma we scouted for novel start-ups developing wearable tech that could be used to monitor a number of specific features in patients participating in a clinical trial for a given disease. This data is absent in classical competitive analysis databases (Thomson Reuters, Adis Insight etc). For another we scouted examples to show […]
Health insurance companies

For two leading health insurance companies, we screened for learnings from abroad including failure and success with the experimentation of digital health tools & gadgets and implementation of novel business models.
An aspirational mission for AB Inbev

For leading global brewery AB InBev, we were tasked to turn their blue collar prevention services into an aspirational operation.