Develop and evangelise digital health strategy in CAR-T therapy

Rethinking the entire patient journey with digital delight In two projects for a global pharma company, Healthskouts explored opportunities for digital health intervention and bringing delight in CAR-T therapy journeys, both for patients and providers. Applying our research and Delight Thinking methodology to the entire product & patient journey, we showed how we could design […]

Sharpen the positioning and communication strategy of a pharma’s Digital Health unit

tech and vendor Scouting, ideation & inspiration, research and strategic projects

This Digital Health division of a global biopharma company wanted to better define its identity and value propositions, and how it communicates such, both within the global organisation and towards key external stakeholders: patients, providers and payers. To inspire a compelling mission and vision, Healthskouts first prepared an inspiring talk for the entire digital health […]

Create inspirational content on the future of lung cancer care, to engage internal pharma audiences

cancer oncology

For a global biopharmaceutical company Healthskouts explored opportunities for digital health intervention in lung cancer and how our client could create a vastly superior competitive offering through digitally-enabled patient delight. Working closely with the client’s marketing, digital and lung cancer teams we created a super-inspiring TED-style video presentation. The video was presented in a lunch […]

Danone exhibit

Scientific microbiome probiotics research using mixed reality technologies

Danone has entrusted us to turn their scientific microbiome & probiotics research into an exhibit in Paris showing compelling stories using mixed reality technologies (VR, AR, holograms). The resulting brand is called FLUX.

Pharmacy of the future for McKesson

Pharmacy future. New digital tool to learn from pharmacy clients

Today, a pharmacist sells already many more products than only medicines, but it’s clear that the role of a pharmacist will evolve further in the future. Selling Apps and learn people how to work with these will become part of their offering. For US-based McKesson, the largest pharma supply chain company, we are helping to […]

Infuse delight

infuse delight patient experience

We helped Janssen pharma rethink the entire Infuse Experience and turn it into a delightful journey for patients, their relatives and health professionals (haematologists, primary physicians and nurses). With our uniquely designed inspiration material and Delight thinking toolset – co-developed with our partner Pieter Sprangers at Domo de Refontiro – we unlocked unknown frictions, all amenable for […]

Patient Delight

Patient Delight movement manifesto

Janssen, a Johnson & Johnson company, has launched a Patient Delight movement manifesto based on Koen Kas’ keynotes and book ‘Your guide to delight’. It accompanies their move from selling medication, to selling real patient services and experiences ….not just beyond the pill.